Active Record PostgreSQL Adapter Table
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Included Modules
Instance Public methods
exclusion_constraint(...) Link
Adds an exclusion constraint.
t.exclusion_constraint("price WITH =, availability_range WITH &&", using: :gist, name: "price_check")
remove_exclusion_constraint(...) Link
Removes the given exclusion constraint from the table.
t.remove_exclusion_constraint(name: "price_check")
remove_unique_constraint(...) Link
Removes the given unique constraint from the table.
t.remove_unique_constraint(name: "unique_position")
unique_constraint(...) Link
Adds a unique constraint.
t.unique_constraint(:position, name: 'unique_position', deferrable: :deferred, nulls_not_distinct: true)
validate_check_constraint(...) Link
Validates the given check constraint on the table
t.check_constraint("price > 0", name: "price_check", validate: false)
t.validate_check_constraint name: "price_check"
validate_constraint(...) Link
Validates the given constraint on the table.
t.check_constraint("price > 0", name: "price_check", validate: false)
t.validate_constraint "price_check"